Despite what the song may say, the children of Ethiopia do know it’s Christmas! They celebrate Christmas too – in Ethiopia it’s called Gena and celebrated on January 7th.
And after the holiday, these children will return to school, just like children here in the UK. Unfortunately, too many of them will be returning to run-down schools with over-crowded classrooms and too few books and materials. And sadly, some children won’t be able to afford to return to school at all.
You can help change this. Make a donation to our Christmas Appeal and you will help transform these schools into places that will foster and support the children of Ethiopia to realise their dreams. You can see examples of our recent projects for a flavour of what we can do when working together.

Our project priorities for this year’s Christmas Appeal are:
- Literacy & Libraries
- Girl’s Education
We want to share a little bit of the beauty of Ethiopia back to you in return. So for every donation of £15 or more, we hope you are happy to receive a copy of our 2015 Calendar as a thank you! And thanks to Gift Aid, these donations will receive a 25% extra boost from the Government – turning each £15 donation into one worth £18.75!

Alternatively these beautiful calendars, which make perfect gifts for friends and family, can be obtained for just £10 (excluding P&P) from our shop. They’re only available for a limited time so get your orders in now to be in time for Christmas!