Project costs
Costs for a new toilet block project at Jenda School have been calculated. The toilet block will include 12 cubicles in total, 6 for the boys and 6 for the girls. It is estimated to cost 28,775 birr.
Fundraising in progress
Gayhurst School has generously offered to donate £1000 towards the new toilet block. We really appreciate their help!
Fundraising in progress
Congratulations to Gayhurst School for raising £1,918 towards the toilet project!
Construction Started
The construction of the toilets has begun and there are already great developments. The pit for the toilet waste has been dug to about 2 metres deep so far and the construction workers are working constantly to complete this.
Project update
The pit has been dug to a final depth of 5 metres. The block will have eight holes; four for girls and the other four for boys. The block is located at the back of the new library. Next the workers will line the pit with a stone and cement wall which they will construct.
Project update
The excavated pit has now been lined with a strong stone and cement wall on all sides. Next the construction of the formwork and the laying of the metal reinforcement bars will start, to cast a concrete slab base. Then the building will be constructed on top of the concrete base using blocks, and a metal roof.
Project update
The basement of the toilet block has been constructed with a reinforced concreted slab over the excavated and stone lined pit. Next the walls will be completed using stone and cement.
Additional Funds
Congratulations to Gayhurst School for raising a further £918.04 towards the toilet project.
Additional Funds
An additional 14,050 birr has been given to Jenda School to complete the project. With these funds, and additional help from the community, the school will be able to finish the toilets soon and students will benefit from them quickly.
Further funds needed
The price of cement has gone up significantly since the start of the project, and this is making it difficult to complete the project. Further funds are need to compensate for the increased cost of materials since the initial budget was calculated.
Project Completed
Good news! The toilet block at Jenda School is finished. It has 6 cubicles; 3 for girls, 2 for boys and 1 for teachers.